
What are your favorite memories of your mom or Mothers Day?

Friday, May 11, 2012 11:02 PM

Jodi Case

Mother’s Day is a family tradition. We get together as a family and honor the oldest mothers. It’s a family celebration.

Susan Dobkins

There are so many. It’s so hard to pick. My mom’s favorite saying was you get in there to look for it and to find it, and to this day I can find anything.

Mitch Payne

Safeway employee
I would have to say the meals she cooked.

Sam Proffer

Building official
Just the fact that mom was always ecouraging us to do our best.

Myrna Halley

When our kids were living at home we would not even cook dinner on Mother’s Day. We would just eat ice cream and the toppings.

Jesse Quinonez

La Casita owner
Mother’s Day has always been the best day of the year. She raised me.