
Rico preps for Memorial Day

Friday, May 25, 2012 10:35 PM

First of all, before we get busy with some other subject, let us mention that Memorial Day will be observed next Monday, at the Rico cemetery, at 11 a.m. sharp!

Community members, which include Ken Hazen and Company, will have our grand old cemetery looking its best, complete with an American flag gracing each and every fallen veteran’s grave, of which we have quite a memorial list. Don Swank and the Color Guard will be at attention and the guard has military members coming from Cortez, Dolores, Summit Ridge and other parts of the valley. There will be seating for those who might need a bit of assistance. We always have a fine turnout for this most special of observances in our country. Rico Women’s Club will, traditionally, serve luncheon to those presenting the service immediately following at the court house. We hope to see you all here in Rico next Monday.

Our neighbor Don has been keeping track of the bears over on the hourglass on Mt. Expectation, which is directly across from Rico and high up on the side of the mountain. One day he called, and there was a mother and her cub visible. The next day or so, he told us that there were two large bears who were getting dangerously close to a small herd of elk ... oh, oh!

Several members of our Rico Volunteer Fire Department completed their final Hazmat Awareness Training last weekend in Telluride. Telluride, Rico and possibly some members of nearby fire departments took advantage of this training. We thank them for the days and hours of dedication it takes to complete the course on their own time!

The remodel on the first floor of the Masonic Lodge looks about done, and Chris Sanchez and his Anderson Company team will be moving into the new offices soon.

This week, we eagerly watched the different ridges across the river turn from leafless gray aspens to vibrant green. My two lilac bushes are the latest leafing and budding variety, and we are just now seeing the leaves appearing. With the regular variety like down valley, we take a chance on losing our lilacs if the freeze up here is long-lasting. Well, it is still below freezing up here. A couple of days ago, I happened to walk by our old fishing boat in the early a.m. and the bit of water in the bottom of the boat had a coat of ice on it. That is OK because when it is too warm in other areas of our little world, we are nice and cool up here in Rico.

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
