
Rico residents still hope to find owner of wayward fly box

Friday, June 15, 2012 10:42 PM

Good news! According to our friends Mary Ann and Phil Woodard up at Trout Lake, fishing is very good. The lake is full and the stream at the north end is still running.

Also, an angler friend mentioned that that little stream at some trailhead at the far end of the meadows headed for Dunton is teaming with brookies. Coal Creek looks like it is slowing down and there might even be some cutthroats swimming with the brookies in those little pools! If this little sentence doesn’t make your mouth water, I will be surprised.

While we are on the subject, I need to do a bit more detective work regarding the beautiful little fly box that a Dolores citizen found on the highway near Rico last Sept. 26. The fly fisherman must have left the box on the back bumper of his vehicle or something like that. Anyway, losing such a prized possession (you know what I am talking about if you are fly fisherman) must be quite upsetting! Whomever you are, perhaps “you” have returned to our area and might possibly see this article. If so, please call the Dolores gentleman who found it at (970) 729-2112.

The Rico fire department held a car wash last weekend and plans are to also offer their services over the 4th of July week, besides doing the parade, fireworks, helping the Women’s Club set up for their bake sale, hosting the Old Timer’s Picnic and doing the all night deep-pit barbecue for the Old Timer’s gathering. These neat plans are beginning to get me excited already!

Mike Curran hiked the Calico Trail last weekend and couldn’t make it all the way up because the snow became too deep on the trail, which surprised him. Everybody is worried that the snow runoff is over — evidently we still have some reserved up there in the forest and it is mid-June.

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
