The Town of Ricos Municipal Election will be Nov. 6 for the purpose of electing four Board of Trustees and one Mayor. Interested candidates must be qualified electors and shall have resided in the Town of Rico for one year immediately preceding such election. The nominating petition may be picked up at the Rico Town Hall starting Sept. 6. The deadline to turn the petition in with 15 registered voters signatures is Oct. 12by 5 p.m. per Home Rule Charter.
At the regular Rico Town Board meeting held on Aug. 15, under old business the Procyclist Tour was revisited and a brief discussion was held. The Colorado Department of Transportation and the State Highway Patrolman will handle the tour through. The marshals will assist with road closures. Comment was made by the race organizers to sit back and enjoy. Todd Parisi with the Dolores County Emergency Operations Coordinator passed out maps and information regarding a race medical issue which is taken care of by the race personnel. If spectators get hurt, it will be turned over to the Rico EMS and Dove Creek will be available to assist. Mr. Parisi reviewed and explained the plan for the cyclist tour on Monday, Aug. 20.
A question was raised by the Board regarding Porta-potties in town. Mr. Parisi was not sure about it. Mayor Pro-Tem David Kunz asked Mr. Parisi to check on the status and get back with the town.
The Town Board approved to donation $50 toward a welcome banner.
The second Cleanup Day in August was briefly discussed. The Rico Alpine Society is willing to donate $200 toward the cleanup. Belt Salvage is willing to donate a dumpster. Mr. Lanning asked if the town can donate $200 toward the cleanup. Comment was stated that the Town did not budget for additional cleanup this year and the response was probably not. For the future, town attorney Susan Baker advises best local practice is to notice an expense item on the agenda.
Traffic Control regarding law enforcement vehicle was brought up again. Dick Lanning reported that the Dolores County Sheriff has a potential grant for the digital speed device. The Town needs to come up with 20 percent of the funds and the county would give 80 percent. The device runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sheriff Martin supports the idea of getting a speeding device and this device would be permanent and in the ground. Mayor ProTem David Kunz asked about the electricity cost. Would need to get a meter drop from San Miguel Power Association and the cost might be around $800 or more plus the cost of wiring and daily electricity was expressed. A suggestion was made that the Rico Center might be a good place to look for funding. Perhaps the county can also help with these costs.The Rico Center usually wants grant requests in by Oct. 1. Mr. Lanning will research these issues.