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When the gates opened Monday in Colorado, 51,000 self-employed and gig workers and independent contractors rushed the new filing system to claim unemployment benefits. Not all made it through with...
DATE: April 23, 2020 | CATEGORY: Business
Internet outages became a distant memory this month as a good chunk of western Colorado turned on a new broadband system. But this wasn’t built by a typical telecom. It took a band of local...
DATE: April 19, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
Political newcomer and business owner James Iacino won the 3rd Congressional District’s Democratic assembly Wednesday with 49.4% of the delegate votes. He hopes to unseat Rep. Scott Tipton,...
DATE: April 16, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
Colorado snowpack level is at 102% of normal, and just below normal in Southwest Colorado, the Department of Agriculture said this week. The service’s data indicate the statewide snowpack is 102%...
DATE: April 9, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
DENVER — More than 46,000 people filed for unemployment payments in Colorado last week as coronavirus-related job losses continued, with workers in the hospitality and food industries accounting...
DATE: April 9, 2020 | CATEGORY: Business
The new coronavirus has now been linked to at least nine deaths in Colorado as the outbreak of the disease rapidly worsens. An El Paso County man in his 80s was killed by COVID-19, the disease...
DATE: March 23, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
Gov. Jared Polis on Monday signed into law a bill abolishing Colorado’s death penalty , simultaneously commuting the sentences of the three men on the state’s death row. Polis converted the death...
DATE: March 23, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
A day after Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said a mandate that people stay in their homes to prevent spread of the new coronavirus was unenforceable, the mayor of the state’s largest city issued an...
DATE: March 23, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
A seventh person in Colorado has died from the new coronavirus as the number of people infected with the disease in the state has ballooned to nearly 600. The death announced Sunday is the fifth...
DATE: March 22, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
Gov. Jared Polis on Sunday implored — but did not go so far as to require — Coloradans to go out in public only if absolutely necessary as he tries to stem the spread of the new coronavirus and...
DATE: March 22, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
Attorney General Phil Weiser released the following statement calling on state courts to halt eviction proceedings due to the COVID-19 crisis: “In this emergency, evicting any Coloradan from their...
DATE: March 22, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment confirmed 29 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Colorado, based on overnight test results reported through 3 p.m. today. That brings the...
DATE: March 16, 2020 | CATEGORY: Local News