
Norwood Ranger District seeks comment on wildlife habitat

Monday, June 25, 2018 6:18 PM

The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests’ Norwood Ranger District is seeking public input on a number of proposed management actions for the South Tabeguache Wildlife Habitat Project.

The project aims to restore wildlife habitat through the implementation of the 2002 Uncompahgre National Forest Travel Plan Record of Decision, spokesman Dylan C. Peters said in a news release.

The project area will cover National Forest System lands south of Tabeguache Creek to 25 Mesa Road (NFSR 503) and northeast of Ray Trail (NFSR 614) and will include the southern Tabeguache Basin, Glencoe, Pinto Mesa and the Bucktail Trail areas.

“The public’s participation in this process is very important to us” said Norwood District Ranger Matt Zumstein. “We hope to receive comments that will help us to identify any issues or concerns related to the proposed actions.”

Project personnel plan to use signing, gates, road closures and road decommissioning on nonsystem and user-created routes to reduce impacts to wildlife, watershed and soils resources in the area, the news release said. No Forest Service roads or trails as identified by the record of decision will be closed or decommissioned as part of this project.

“Upon completion of the project we will not only be improving wildlife habitat, but will also be helping to restore important watersheds and improving upon the overall recreation experience,” Zumstein said.

Comments must be received by July 5 and be submitted as follows:

Mail or hand delivered to: Norwood Ranger District, Attn: Luke Holguin, 1150 Forest St., Norwood, CO 81423.E-mail or Fax:, or 970-327-4854.Telephone: Luke Holguin at 970-327-4261.
