
Obama thinks he’s president of Egypt

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012 11:10 PM


I’m watching Barack Obama on TV and he’s still out there in campaign mode, or is it really community organizer mode? Stir up the people and get things no one can afford. This is what our president did for a living before jumping into politics. In fact, in Chicago he helped 186 people get mortgages they didn’t qualify for nor was there even a belief they could pay for them. Only 19 still have those homes. That makes Obama a part of the problem, so why on earth would you listen to him on anything?

The reason he’s out there with the people instead of negotiating with Congress is he hasn’t a clue what the economy is about and certainly doesn’t understand spending requires restraint. In other words, you elected an uneducated community organizer.

His idea of not going over the fiscal cliff is $1.6 trillion in new taxes and $50 billion in new stimulus. Translation of the last one is his donors need their payback for helping get him back in office. More of the ideas are $400 billion taken from Medicare — didn’t they just steal 716 billion from that fund — and the last one is he wants unlimited power to borrow money and raise the debt ceiling at his whim without interference.

Congratulations, people who voted for him. He thinks he’s president of Egypt.

Catherine Spencer


Via email
