OCT. 20
. Jesse Wayne Fine and Darlena Marie Burch
NOV. 4
. Morgan Michael Holpuch and Meghan Ashley Maibach
NOV. 7
. Elias Ray Sparks and Lisa Michelle Yarbrough
NOV. 10
. Glenn Dorrell Wells and Linda Norton
NOV. 16
. Rickey Shane Thompson and Patricia Carmen Orengo
NOV. 17
. Robert Merrill Clarridge and Ursula Hudson
NOV. 21
. Terrence Lydell Weeks and Jocelyn Dishface
NOV. 28
. Kenneth James Wilson and Jessica Renee Sinshiemer
NOV. 30
. Myrl Jackson Teague and Ida Marie Garner
DEC. 3
. Casey James Michael and Karli Raye Hargraves
DEC. 5
. Stephen Scott Arnold and Katie Dawn Deviney
DEC. 6
. Edward Paul Zeutzius and Kristin Marie Bishop