
Mancos Planning and Zoning reviews Comprehensive Plan

Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018 5:40 PM

At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting last week, commission members continued to review and discuss the Comprehensive Plan for the town of Mancos.

The plan, which Town Administrator Heather Alvarez described as “the overall guiding document for the town,” maps out longterm town development and hasn’t been updated since it was drafted in 2011. At the last meeting, the commission amended part of the plan so that from now on, the plan will be reviewed every three years.

The commission members reviewed Chapters 3 and 4 of the Comprehensive Plan on Aug. 15, and intend to go over two chapters at each monthly meeting until they have examined the entire plan. The plan covers an array of topics, but Chapters 3 and 4 focused on regional development and growth and the environment.

Public outreach methods, including surveys and other types, will most likely be used for sections of the plan that many members of the public have expressed interest in, such as housing development. To this point, most updates have been about gathering more recent data and verifying goals, such as maintaining good air quality in Mancos.

“Most of the changes we’ve made so far are more or less just updates, we’re not rewriting anything,” chairman Perry Lewis said in a work session before the meeting.

The public is welcome to attend Planning and Zoning meetings to provide input about the Comprehensive Plan. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. in the Mancos Town Hall, during which the commission will review the next two chapters of the plan.
