
Light contest for local businesses

Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 9:11 PM

Kelly Kilgore, of Kilgore Indian Art, is coordinating a holiday light contest to involve all local businesses along Highway 160 and downtown. Judging will be done by the Mancos Valley Arts Council during the week of Dec. 10. The prize winner will receive a Navajo weaving donated by Kilgore Indian Art.

"I have already received lots of enthusiastic support from several businesses," stated Kilgore. "I want people to see all the lights go on in Mancos and then decide they ought to pull into town and see what we have to offer," she said.

Judging for the contest will be completed by Friday, Dec. 14 with the award announced at the Visitor Center at 2 p.m.

For information call the Visitor Center at 533-7434.
