
2012 Christmas Light Contest winners

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 2:58 PM
FOR THE SECOND year in a row, Cozy Comfort RV Park, won the commercial category in the lighting contest. Every year more is added to this impressive display.
THE TREES in front of Werner Kress’ house on Merritt Way looked beautiful over the weekend as snow covered the branches.

Dolores looked fantastic this weekend as the annual Dolores Chamber of Commerce Christmas Light contest got underway. Judges roamed the snowy streets and were pleased at the large number of Dolores residents that put out lights this year.

Dolores looked beautiful and inspiring, the fresh blanket of snow didn't hurt the scene either.

In the end, judges decided that many of last year's winners were just too tough to beat and named similar first-place winners as last year. But new to the scene this year were a few second and third-place winners.

The winners are as follows:

In the Business Category:

1st place - Cozy Comfort RV Park at 1501 Central Ave.

2nd place - Outpost Motel, 1800 Hwy. 145

3rd place - Pony Expresso, 795 Railroad Ave.

Honorable mention goes to the Town of Dolores for the addition of lights on the crab apple trees along Railroad Ave.

Residential Category:

1st place - 201 S. 8th St. "Santa's Sailboat"

2nd place - 308 Riverside

3rd place - 903 Hillside Ave.

Honorable Mention: 1151 Merritt Way.

Brenda Savage said she was thrilled to hear that she won the award again, which is a $50 gift certificate from Empire Electric.

"We could definitely use that," she said, to help pay for the cost of the lighting.

A new addition to the display at Cozy Comfort was a shivering polar bear.

"A first, I didn't want one of those blow up things, but now I love it," Savage said.

New to the scene this year was the Outpost Motel. Second-place winners get $25 in Dolores Dollars. All prizes can be picked up at the Dolores Visitor Center.

The Outpost Motel had beautiful trees lit up and a nice inflatable Christmas trailer.

Third place. $15 in Dolores Dollars, went to another newcomer, The Pony Expresso. Nearly every inch of that store was covered in light.

That brings us to the first-place winner of the residential category. As usual it is "Santa's Sailboat" owned by Steve Hill. Luckily for Dolores residents, the sailboat is right next to Pony Expresso, on the corner of 8th Street and Railroad Avenue.

It is a beautiful sight for all to see.
