
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Dec. 22, 1972 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 2:59 PM

Joel Maxcy, junior at Dolores High School, won first place in the Ag-Bate Contest held recently at the Farm Bureau Convention in Denver. His speech was on "Ecology and Agriculture."


Mrs. Florence McEwen was hostess for her bridge club Tuesday evening.


Mrs. Hazel Smith left Tuesday evening to fly to Arkansas and Missouri where she will visit her son, David (Chipper), and family and also her brother and other relatives. While she is gone Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan of Colbran, Colo. Will be here staying in her house and visiting friends and relatives here in Dolores.


The Methodist Church held a coffee Sunday afternoon in honor of the pastor, Rev Glen Lawrence. They presented him with a money tree.


Charlotte Melvin, Joy Johnson and Jean Johnson were among those attending the tournament in Durango Saturday. While they were there Dale Johnson took his daughters out to dinner.


The grade school teachers all enjoyed a Christmas party and gift exchange Monday afternoon after school at the home of Mrs. Vera McRae.


Hazel Smith was hostess for a pinochle party Saturday evening. Present besides regular members were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Becher and Mrs. Betty Harrah.


Those enjoying a potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mary Jane McRae on Monday were Nora Sloan, Ethel Pritchett, June Grace, Bertha and Bernice McMillan, Margaret Wedell, Nancy Wright, Rowena Porter, Helen Slade, Edna McRae and the hostess. They also had a Christmas program and gift exchange.


Kristine Kenworthy, daughter of the Bill Kenworthys, will be here Saturday to spend the holidays with her family. She is attending school in Springfield, Missouri.


Mr. and Mrs. Arlynn Anderson and family from Basalt, Colo. are expected to arrive this weekend to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ghezzi.


Carol Simmons is home from Greeley visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simmons. She is attending graduate school at the University of Northern Colorado.


Debbie Stephens is home from her studies at Fort Lewis for the holidays.


Coleen McRae is home from Colorado University at Boulder visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McRae and other relatives and friends for the holidays.


Clyde Steel was the surprised guest of honor at a birthday party given him by his wife last Wednesday evening. Thirty guests attended consisting of the personnel and their wives and husbands from the Forest Service Office. They all enjoyed a buffet supper.


Around 90 people attended the open house given in honor of Ross Thomas on his 90th birthday Sunday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carver and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gonzales attended a birthday party in honor of Revis Higgins at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Revis Higgins Tuesday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sanders and family from Moab were here over the weekend visiting the Art Nielsons. They returned home Monday.


Visiting this week with the Jim Stephens are her sister, Mrs. Odessa Rice and daughter Claudia, from Phoenix They arrived Monday and will return home on Friday.

