
Q&A: Candidates in Dolores school board recall election

Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018 9:08 AM

Two candidates are vying to unseat a Dolores RE-4A school board member in Oct. 9 recall election via mail ballot.

Voters will decide whether board member Vangi McCoy will retain her seat or be replaced by Keith Moore or Joe Warren Reed.

The mail-in ballot will have two parts. First, it will ask registered voters whether to recall McCoy. If the answer is yes, the voter will choose a successor candidate listed on the ballot.

The recall effort began in April by petition circulators Amy Lewis and Michael Smith, who claim the two board members did not follow school district policies. To have a recall election, they were required to obtain 335 signatures from registered voters within the school district.

In June, Montezuma County Clerk and Recorder Kim Percell verified the signatures were sufficient.

Former board president Dee Prock was also targeted in the recall effort, but she resigned from the board. The board appointed Lenetta Shull to replace her on Sept 13.

Percell reported that of the 2,800 ballots sent out, 378 have been turned in, or 13.5 percent. It is too late to mail in the ballots, Percell said, so they must be dropped off by Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Clerk’s office, 140 W. Main St., No. 1, or at the outside ballot box on the north side of the building.

Besides their regular hours, the Clerk’s Office also will be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday for people to drop off their ballot. On election day, Oct. 9. the Clerk’s office will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Unofficial election results will be reported that evening.

The Journal emailed questions to McCoy, Moore and Reed regarding their interest in serving on the school board.

Vangi McCoy

QUESTION: Why do you want to serve on the Dolores school board?

Answer: I made a commitment to the Dolores School District the moment I was appointed to the board. It’s been a long journey, and I have seen many changes come to fruition. I want to finish out my term and be a part of the selection of a new superintendent and continue to support our excellent teachers before handing the baton to a new board member.

Question: What are your qualifications for the position?

Answer: I have been a parent for 39 years, during which time I have had many interactions with a variety of school districts. I have a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in educational leadership. I have seen the education system from all sides and believe that my experience, big-picture thinking and passion for our district make me a qualified board member.

Question: What are some of your successes on the board, and your goals if you retain your seat?

Answer: I am only one of a five-person board, so all of my successes are those of the entire board. Between my professional and board roles, I was able to work with Sherri Maxwell and Valiena Rosenkrance to receive a three-year transition to a kindergarten grant that only five districts in the state received. I will continue to operate as part of a team if retained and will always keep the fact that we are a pre-K-12 district in mind.

Question: How do you respond to the reasons made to hold a recall election?

Answer: Again, I am one of five and believe that the allegations about test scores have been addressed by our improved scores and higher participation rates. Also, a lot happens in between board meetings, and I talk to many people to get their insights on issues that are coming up, whether it be administration, teachers, community members or parents. During meetings, I am able to not be reactive, which is important in a board position. I will continue to be respectful and non-confrontational. I will listen first to understand and make educated, informed decisions based on facts.

Question: One reason cited for the recall election was poor student academic performance on state test scores. But recent test scores showed significant improvement on the tests under the current board. Do you still feel changes need to be made to improve test scores? Why or why not?

Answer: I believe that our lower test scores had to do with the low rates of participation as well as a new and unfamiliar test format. Dolores teachers are hardworking, caring and creative individuals that do their best to meet the needs of all students and the improved scores highlight those efforts. We absolutely need to continue to work on improving test scores. We want all students graduating from Dolores Public Schools to leave our halls prepared to be successful in whatever endeavors they choose to do – whether that is college, trades, agriculture, parenting or joining the workforce. By continuing to align curriculum, doing project based learning and including social-emotional learning throughout all grade levels, we will succeed in this effort.

Question: What is your profession?

Answer: I am an educator and life-long learner. My full-time position is coordinator of the Montelores Early Childhood Council, and I also teach at the community college.

Keith Moore

QUESTION: Why do you want to serve on the Dolores school board?

Answer: I have attended many meetings of the RE-4A school board for many years, from the time of the “Free Speech Issue” to the BEST grant. I feel that as a former student, parent and now taxpaying adult of the district, it is time I lent my experience and knowledge to the people of Dolores. I was asked by the recall committee to serve and will do so if elected. My petition to appear on the recall ballot has been valid with the county clerk since August 12, 2018.

Question: What are your qualifications for the position?

Answer: Because I do not practice in a formal setting, many people do not know of my qualifications. I am a professional educator. I have a degree in Vocational Education, from Colorado State University, and it seems that every day I am teaching. I have also learned to communicate through my work in construction as an estimator and project manager. I have managed project budgets larger than that of the school for a single water system improvement project or newspaper printing facility, aka The Cortez Journal.

Question: Why is this recall election necessary?

Answer: The voters asked for a recall, therefore it was necessary. We live in a Democratic Republic and that is one of the freedoms the people enjoy. The people who live in the RE-4A School District felt that their voice was not being heard and their needs were not being met. The board was unresponsive and non-transparent, so they acted. Boards need to do the wishes of the people, and not think they know best what to do to the people. I hope future board’s demand administrations to follow policy, and quickly act on anyone who violates such policy.

Question: One reason cited for the recall election was poor student academic performance on state test scores. But recent test scores showed significant improvement on the tests under the current board. Do you still feel changes need to be made to improve test scores? Why or why not?

Answer: I am glad that you asked about test scores. The Journal article on the test scores was misleading at best. The new rating of “Performance” only means that the district was able to get 95% of the students to take the state test. Students in Dolores in general did not get better scores on the test. Very few grade levels showed improvement over last year. In addition, if we are setting our sights on the state standard of proficiency, the district is aiming low.

Joe Warren Reed

Question: Why do you want to serve on the Dolores school board?

Answer: In small communities, the school is the center of the community. My desire in seeking this position is to strengthen the community and school ties and bring more unity to Dolores. I’m a firm believer of the saying “Children are our future,” and it is my responsibility as a prospective board member to give the students of Dolores schools every opportunity to be prepared for the future.

Question: What are your qualifications for the position?

Answer: Being involved with civic duties has always come naturally to me. I have served on various board throughout my life, one of which was the Dolores school board for eight years during the mid-’90s and early 2000s. While serving on the school board, my committee assignment was the BOCES board, on which I served as president for two years. I’ve served on the Green Belt Bankers Association for Northern Texas. I am currently serving as president on the 4 States Ag Expo board, with the responsibility of overseeing the Ag Expo every spring. I have a strong budgetary background that also equips me for the monetary aspects of running any business. I answer to the public when managing taxpayers’ money. We as a board must be fiscally responsible.

Question: What are some of your goals or priorities if elected?

Answer: I want to work with the board and staff to ensure Dolores is a school of choice for students again. This means improving academic excellence K-12, and strengthening our extra-curricular activities. I want to retain good teachers and support staff by looking for every opportunity to be competitive in the job market in our local area.

I want to make sure that policies are being updated and followed as needed for the betterment of our district.

Question: Why is this recall election necessary?

Answer: The community spoke out when asking for this recall. My wish it to quickly move forward with the result of the election and build all aspects of our district.

Question: One reason cited for the recall election was poor student academic performance on state test scores. But recent test scores showed significant improvement on the tests under the current board. Do you still feel changes need to be made to improve test scores? Why or why not?

Answer: There are areas of student achievement that still need to be addressed. Improving student test scores is always a school’s primary business. Maintaining the current achievements we have will be a priority.

Question: What is your profession?

Answer: Retired from 30 years of banking.
