
80 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Jan. 6, 1933 Fred Bradshaw, Editor

Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013 9:27 PM

Newell Musgrave was feeling better yesterday. His injured knee is slowly healing.


The W. E. Ratekin family were New Year Day guests of the Dr. Baker family.


Stock Inspector Sam Ethridge was over from Durango Tuesday on official business.


T. H. Akin received a new wrist watch this week, a reminder that it was his birthday.


Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walker spent Friday night at the Chas. Lee home, coming to supper and the night.


Chas B. Reid was over Monday from Durango, where he is now making his home, visiting with his friends.


Last Friday saw a general exodus of the college students of Dolores who had been spending the holidays at home.


Mrs. Minnie Kuhlman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seegar and Mrs. Eva House enjoyed New Year's day with the Will Ritter family.

George White came in this week from Capitan, N.M., where he has been employed by the Maloney Construction Co., at highway work.


Don McConnell left last week for Los Angeles, where he intended to enter one of the universities in the city, probably the UCLA.


The two-months-old baby of the Russell Godfreys has been the victim of pneumonia for the past several days. At last report the child was improving.


Rev. Paul A. Shields left Monday for Salt Lake City, accompanied by the district superintendent of this district. They will attend to church matters.


Geo. T. Tantrum, of Canon City, is due here today to take over the local Western Union office, relieving Mr. Stuart, who will go on an enforced vacation.


Morey Plumlee,wife and baby and the Misses Josephine and Viola Amyx made a trip to Gallup last Thursday and spent a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Odom.


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rush moved down from their saw mill last week and are at home to their friends in Mrs. Maria Giorgetta's rooms, doing light housekeeping for the winter.


H. F. Morgan was in town Tuesday and remarked that he likes this sort of winter ­- it's a great thing for the stockmen. Stock are getting through in fine shape on the lower ranges, he says.


Earl Wilber came in form Greeley last Saturday where he spent the holidays with his wife, and visited here with his mother and family until Sunday. He went on to Rico where he is employed.


The Dave Ball family drove in Sunday for spending the holidays with relatives in Hugo,Colo. They came in by way of Albuquerque and Gallup and report a fine trip with good roads.


Arrivals on Sunday's train were: Mr. Thornton, Mrs. Cremaine and daughters and Miss Gladys Adams, all of whom had spent the Christmas holidays with their families at Fowler, Pueblo and Rifle, respectively.


Dick Tucker left Tuesday for Salida, called by an urgent message from the doctor who is attending Mrs. Tucker. Mrs. Tucker has been ailing for several months and her condition is considered very grave at this time.

