
2018 Montezuma County election results

Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018 4:37 PM

Here is how Montezuma County voted. By law, amendments require a supermajority of 55 percent to pass.

Winners of each election are in bold.

Federal officesRepresentative to the 116th U.S. CongressScott R. Tipton (Rep): 59.07%

Diane Mitsch Bush (Dem): 36.22%

Gaylon Kent (Lib): 1.69%

Mary M. Malarsie (Ind): 3.02%

State officesGovernorJared Polis/Dianne Primavera (Dem): 37.47%

Walker Stapleton/Lang Sias (Rep): 59.29%

Bill Hammons/Eric Bodenstab (Unity): 0.75%

Scott Helker/Michele Poague (Lib): 2.49%

Secretary of stateWayne Williams (Rep): 60.08%

Jena Griswold (Dem): 36.74%

Amanda Campbell (Am Const): 2.64%

Blake Huber (App Voting): 0.53%

State TreasurerBrian Watson (Rep): 59.83%

Dave Young (Dem): 36.67%

Gerald F. Kilpatrick (Am Const): 3.51%

Attorney GeneralPhil Weiser (Dem): 36.80%

George Brauchler (Rep): 0.11%

William F. Robinson III (Lib): 3.09%

CU Regent at largeLesley Smith (Dem): 36.67%

Ken Montera (Rep): 58.57%

Christopher E. Otwell (Unity): 1.23%

James K. Treibert (Lib): 3.53%

CU Regent, District 3Alvin Rivera (Dem): 35.40%

Glen H. Gallegos (Rep): 59.49%

Michael Stapleton (Lib): 5.10%

State Senator District 6Guinn Unger Jr. (Dem): 37.30%

Don Coram (Rep): 62.70%

State Representative District 58Marc Catlin (Rep): 61.53%

Seth Cagin (Dem): 38.47%

County officesCounty Commissioner District 1Mary Beth McAfee (Dem): 37.41%

Jim Candelaria (Rep): 40.78%

Steve L. Chappell (Un): 15.97%

Jesse James Sattley (Un): 5.84%

County Clerk and RecorderKim Percell (Rep): 100%

County TreasurerEllen Black (Rep): 100%

County AssessorLeslie Kennedy-Bugg (Rep): 100%

County SheriffSteven Nowlin (Rep): 100%

County SurveyorErnest Maness (Rep): 100%

County CoronerGeorge Deavers (Rep): 100%

Judicial retentionState Supreme CourtRichard L. Gabriel: 69.42%

State Court of AppealsJohn Daniel Dailey: 70.64%

Rebecca Rankin Freyre: 69.40%

Elizabeth L. Harris: 59.90%

David. J. Richman: 68.27%

22nd Judicial DistrictTodd Jay Plewe: 73.59%

Judge, Montezuma CountyJenniLynn Lawrence: 78.68%

State measuresAmendment VReduce age qualification in General Assembly from 25 to 21 years?

Yes: 30.48%

No: 69.52%

Amendment WChange ballot for judicial retention elections?

Yes: 42.65%

No: 57.35%

Amendment XChange definition of industrial hemp?

Yes: 57.14%

No: 42.86%

Amendment YChange congressional redistricting and reapportionment commission?

Yes: 60.57%

No: 39.43%

Amendment ZChange redistricting and reapportionment commission?

Yes: 59.29%

No: 40.71%

Amendment AProhibit slavery as a punishment for a crime?

Yes: 52.08%

No: 47.92%

Amendment 73Increase state taxes for public education?

Yes: 42.46%

No: 57.54%

Amendment 74Compensation to owners of private property when laws reduce property values?

Yes: 59.31%

No: 40.69%

Amendment 75Campaign contribution limits?

Yes: 28.25%

No: 71.75%

Proposition 109Increase state debt for “Fix our Damn Roads” Transportation bond initiative?

Yes: 30.79%

No: 69.21%

Proposition 110Increase state taxes for “Let’s Go,” transportation bond initiative?

Yes: 30%

No: 70%

Proposition 111Limit payday lenders to annual rate of 36 percent?

Yes: 75.81%

No: 24.19%

Proposition 112Set a minimum distance for oil development from human structures?

Yes: 41.13%

No: 58.87%

County measuresLewis-Arriola Fire District, Issue 6AIncrease property tax to fund fire department?

Yes: 57.42%

No: 42.58%

22nd Judicial District Question 7AAllow a third consecutive term for an elected DA?

Yes: 36.32

No: 63.68%

Source: Colorado Secretary of State
