
Many ways to help at the library

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 9:54 PM

Although the excitement and romance of Valentine's Day is behind us for another year, that doesn't mean you need to stop showing the love! February, in addition to being the host to the day of love, is also Library Lover's Month. We've definitely been feeling the love at the Mancos Public Library, with the outpouring of donations from our most recent fundraising effort (and we can't thank you enough). However, I've had a lot of folks asking how else they can show their dedication to the library if they're not able to give financially - well, here's a few other simple ways you can:

Volunteer your time - As times become tighter, we find ourselves doing more with less. Our volunteers are crucial to us, helping to manage many of the day to day operations and tasks, large projects and fundraising efforts so we can focus on identifying and developing new collections, programs and services for the community.

Share a skill - If you're passionate about a hobby or have a valuable life skill that would be of benefit to the community, come share! We're always looking for interesting and engaging presenters, authors, and artisans to share a skill, creativity, or wisdom with the community. Call us or stop by and we'd be happy to discuss in detail.

Return your items on time - It may seem like such a simple thing, but the library spends a good deal of time and money sending reminders, calling patrons and tracking down library materials that are overdue. Items can be easily renewed over the phone, online, or in person - we're flexible and are open to working with you if you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you getting your items back on time.

Come visit us! - Friendly staff, a comfortable space, fun activities, interesting programs, a wealth of knowledge - there are many reasons to visit the library! And since most funders are looking for statistics and library participation before lending money, your visit also helps financially. So please, come in ... pick up a calendar of events, check out a book, fill out our latest community survey and come check out this amazing resource for the Mancos Valley. You might be amazed at what you find.
