
M-CHS athlete of the week

Friday, March 1, 2013 11:50 PM

Name: Alex Lopez. Sport: Basketball. Grade: 12. Favorite food: Mexican food. Favorite cartoon: "Spongebob." Favorite sports figure: Michael Jordan. Favorite color: Blue. Biggest pet peeve: Not working hard. Favorite thing to do: Play basketball. Favorite movie: "21 Jump Street." Favorite quote: "Some are born great; some achieve great." Plans after high school: Play college basketball. If I were an animal, I would be a: Panther. Parents: Jesus and Josefine. Favorite winter activity: Snowboarding. Best sports memory: Beating Fruita on last second shot. Favorite place to shop: Sports Authority. Favorite teacher and why: Mr. Coulter. He pushes you to the best of your ability. Stats/accomplishments: Senior captain of Panthers basketball team.
