
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, March 9, 1973 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Thursday, March 7, 2013 10:07 PM

Robert Deal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Deal, former residents of Dolores, is a member of the Pinkerton guards, an organization which has been hired by Frontier Airlines to conduct a search of all passengers boarding all flights out of Walker Field at Grand Junction.

Anyone watching the 6 and 10 p.m. news cut of the Grand Junction TV on Wednesday Feb. 23 would have seen Robert searching passengers getting ready to board the plane. A small metal detector called a Magnetometer, a long thin instrument about 12 inches in length with a metal loop on the end, is passed over the passenger's body and will detect all metallic objects, including foil on gum and cigarettes. Robert attended school in Dolores and graduated from Dolores High School. His parents now reside in Mancos.


Penny Neskahi and baby are visiting at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ledford, this week. Her husband Carl is on spring break from Ft. Lewis College.


George Rogers, Sr. was transferred back to Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez on Monday and his wife Ila returned home also on Monday after being in Farmington with her husband.


Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter went to Albuquerque this last week-end to visit with Rowenas' two sisters who live there. They returned home on Wednesday.


Sheriff Clarence Williams accompanied by his wife Shirley took a woman patient to the State Hospital in Pueblo on Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stephens spent the weekend in Alamosa then spent the rest of the week in Phoenix returning home on Sunday.


Steve and Cora Becher went to Denver on Thursday returning home on Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bud Becher and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ball enjoyed a trip to Las Vegas where they spent four days, Saturday through Tuesday. They reported a good time.


Mrs., Ernest Nunn, was hostess for a coffee on Thursday, Feb. 22 to introduce the new Forest service Engineer's wife Sandy Chrisieleison to the ladies of the community. Girls were present from the Forest service offices of Dolores and Cortez and also other girls from the town of Dolores.


Betty Thompson was initiated into Montezuma chapter No. 130, OES last Thursday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brenner and family drove to Grand Junction on Saturday for business reasons and to visit with old friends. They spent Saturday night in Paonia with Mrs. Brenner's Mother, Mrs. Evelyn Baviere. They also stopped in Nucla on their way home on Sunday to visit her brother Mr. and Mrs. John Baviere and family.

