
Mancos Girls on the Run make their mark

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016 1:33 AM

By Mac Neely

Today, I am going to tell you some more about the Girls on the Run.

If you remember, they are girls in third through fifth grades who sign up for a program that meets twice a week, gathers in small teams and works on questions and answers that help them learn life skills. Then they take to the football field and run.

The goal is that the girls learn that “They can.”

There is a fee for this program that is sometimes difficult to get, so we are asking you to contribute what you can to help these girls. On Nov. 12, Fort Lewis College will hold a 5K run that the girls will take part in while wearing special T-shirts, Lets make sure they all have them.

Last year, there were 23 participants, and this year there are 43. I’ll tell more as the program continues.

Mesa Verde Fun RunNext Saturday, Mesa Verde is holding a Fun Run to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of national parks, and guess who’s going to run? The Whipple girls, Cathy and Char. They are also helping with the Girls on the Run. I asked Cathy why she has run all her life. She replied: “I like the freedom that I feel when I run.”

The new Mancos DaysThe Mancos Days committee met at 5 p.m. Saturday at the Community Center, and only 10 people attended. That’s so very disappointing. It was decided there were not enough of us, so the meeting was postponed until next month, on Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. at the Community Center.

Mancos Days is a fun celebration with lots of old friends getting together, softball games, good music and memories. Please come out next month. We need you to help keep those memories alive for another generation.
