
Mancos gets a new Blue Jay just in time for big weekend

Wednesday, July 27, 2016 2:11 AM

By Mac Neely

Just when I thought there was nothing but Mancos Days to write about, I had a phone call from a friend.

“I have a surprise for you,” Marge said. We drove to the Mancos Performance Center, and there on the front lawn was a huge blue jay. Recognizing Dave Sipes’ work, I called him and got the info. It seems that a very old straight-leafed cottonwood was doomed for the dump, when Heath Showalter, the athletic director, walked by. “No way,” he said. He called Sipes, who came running with his chain saw, and a week later, we had a Mancos Blue Jay. Sipes said that if it had been last year, it would have only taken two days, but he’s going to be 64 this week.

Drive by some evening, and our Blue Jay’s eyes will shine on you. He may even give you a wink.

Gymkhana won’t be a dragWhile you’re out and about, drive two miles east on U.S. Highway 160 to the Tumbling T’s Stable. Donna Robbins Yeomans will greet you with her bright smile, ready to tell you about the gymkhana she is having on Sunday, July 30, starting at 10 a.m. There will be lots of activities with horses. One that sounds a little dicey is called “Rescue.” Rescue involves placing you on a hide on the ground while a horse – or maybe two – drags you to safety from an imaginary fire. What would happen if the horse spooked?

One fun game for the itty-bitty kids is to rope a goat. Now, that I like. Or let’s play “Pull the Ribbon from the Baby Goat’s Tail.” Both of these games will certainly give children lots of exercise and put them to sleep early. There’s an abundance of stick horses for the kids, and a concession cabin full of yummies for all.

On the ranch, the old red wagon that hauled the kids to school is still there. Were you around then? Or maybe you remember the white Amish wagon, where many were married? Donna Robbins Yeomans told me why she wants the gymkhana to be successful. “I want everyone to enjoy the games and fun that I had growing up in the Old West.”

Come out, and let’s have fun roping a goat while celebrating the past.

Don’t miss Creative District boothNow, back to Mancos and Boyle Park. Although I’m sure you will visit all the booths, there is one that is critical. It’s a must-visit. It’s the Mancos Creative District booth. You probably know that Mancos has been named as one of the towns in Colorado to receive a grant, to the tune of $30,000. We know that nothing is ever free – and that goes for grants too.

To receive the money, we must come up with $7,500. Unless someone has that amount to give away, we must make the money ourselves. That’s why we want you to look for the Creative District booth. Many businesses in town have given items for us to raffle, including an Alpacka Raft valued at $555, a Veryl Goodnight sculpture ($600), and a Navajo rug from Kelly Chillcott ($600). You get one ticket for $10, two for $15 and three for $25, all available at the Visitor Center. The booth in Boyle Park is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Come and bid on your item and cross your fingers, or whatever you do to be successful. Then join in celebrating this Mancos Days.
