
Get ready for a busy weekend in Mancos

Wednesday, June 22, 2016 12:17 AM

There’s a lot going on in Mancos this week. First and foremost is Grand Summer Nights, tonight at 5-8 p.m. It’s the last Friday of the month, and our stores will be open and there will be live music and entertainment for everyone. Lynne Lewis and Abe Saunders will be playing good old country music near Goodnight Studio; Absolute Bakery and Cafe will feature live entertainment with art; and right round the corner, the Artisans of Mancos will showcase Nancy Hains’ spinning-wheel demonstration. She raises the animals that produce the wool she uses to knit and crochet, and make felt and fleece. Hains has a complete array of her work in the store, and claims that they are fireproof. Her slogan is: “Save energy, buy a blanket!”

Along with Hains at the Artisans studio will be plein air painter Chris Hutton, who will demonstrate his art and explain his slogan: “Plein air painting is the new golf.” Stop by and see if you agree.

Check out the other stores. I hear that the Beehive Boutique and Spa gives wonderful massages. And veterans, don’t forget your free hearing tests on the corner across from the Goodnight Trail Studio. The Painted Turtle, just past the VFW post will have game boards set up. Stop by and try to beat a local master. And while you’re down that way, drop in at the VFW post and enjoy a delicious milkshake or root beer float. Say hi to Jeanne.

FAD hosts blues and rock playerOn Wednesday, July 1, FAD Gallery, 107 Grand Ave., will feature blues and rock player Jack Ellis, from 5-8 p.m. FAD owner Collette Webster planned her entertainment before she knew about Grand Summer Nights in Mancos, so we all get an extra night of music and fun. FAD has some wonderful handmade tables and plenty of other things to decorate your new house or brighten up the old one.

Let’s Do Dinner debuts at Farmers MarketYou all know that Mancos has a Farmers Market in Boyle Park on Thursdays, from 4-7 p.m.? There’s a new addition that we will all enjoy – Let’s Do Dinner!

A combo meal includes a hamburger, chips and root beer floats, and there’s an option for Audrey Huver’s barbecued beans. The meals are prepared by the young members of Purpose Driven Project, nonprofit program that offers summer education opportunities to at-risk teens. Purpose Driven Project has launched a program at Four Corners Christian Camp at Summit Lake, north of Mancos. The program runs June through August. Audrey Huver is the executive director of Four Corners Christian Camp and contributes her handmade some of the wood furniture displayed at Artisans.

Remember the spirit of the FourthAnd last but not least, how many of you come to Mancos for the fireworks on July Fourth? I’d say plenty, judging by the number of cars. Do any of you remember the John Wayne presentation each year before the fireworks? I kind of miss it, all part of the Fourth. What is important is the bake sale and silent auction to be held at the Mancos Bank on Main Street, to help this event that we all enjoy so much. Lots of home made goodies to tempt your palate, and for a good cause! In front of bank, 10-2 p.m., June 28.

Race day is hereDare I mention the Mancos Half Marathon one more time? Pick up your race packet at the library before 7 a.m. Saturday. The race starts at 7:30 a.m. Saturday at the library.
