
Habitat chapter seeks projects for 'A Brush with Kindness'

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:00 PM

Spring is here, and Habitat for Humanity of Montezuma County is looking for applicants for its "A Brush with Kindness" program. The purpose of this program is to provide assistance to low-income residents of Montezuma County for basic exterior home repairs or improvements.

Applicants must own and occupy the home within Montezuma County for which they are requesting repairs. Annual income cannot exceed 60 percent of combined median household income for the county, and the applicant must be able, over time, to repay the cost of the materials - the labor is free - and agree to partner with Habitat in all aspects of the repair project. According to Habitat for Humanity International, the purpose of this program is to "ensure that families live in safe and well-maintained homes. The program is designed to revitalize the appearance of the neighborhood, encourage connections within the community, and most importantly, help preserve affordable housing stock."

With the success of this program, the community benefits by having a more beautiful place in which to live, work and raise families.

Applications for the "A Brush with Kindness" program are easy to complete and can be accessed online at, or interested parties may contact the local office at 565-8327 or mail a request to Habitat for Humanity of Montezuma County, P.O. Box 1261, Cortez, CO 81321. Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received, and all applicants will be contacted regarding the status of their application.

A number of "A Brush with Kindness" projects have been successfully completed in Cortez and Dolores. Improving curb appeal and addressing safety issues has given owners renewed pride in their homes, and volunteers pride in knowing they have helped their neighbors - win, win all around!

To make a contribution to support this program or volunteer to help with a project, visit the Habitat website or call the office. Donations can be mailed to the address listed above or, donate through PayPal on thewebsite. It's a secure site and donating is quick and easy. If everyone who read this article sent just $5, the local chapter would be well on its way to improving the lives of a number of local families.
