
Movie ‘Shooting in Vein’ needs extras in Pagosa Springs

Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 10:13 PM

“Shooting in Vein,” a psychological thriller intended to raise awareness of the rising heroin epidemic without moral judgment of its victims, is looking for extras for filming in Pagosa Springs.

Jared Januschka, the director of the independent feature film, is looking for people ages 18 and older who look younger than 18.

The main shooting of the film will last about three weeks. If you’re free during that entire time or only a couple of days here and there, they’d love for you to attend. Please feel free to stop by to speak with Jared and his crew about the film and your interest in becoming involved. A resume with your contact information is appreciated but not required.

Thirty people are needed 9 a.m. to midnight on Sunday, Oct. 30; 20 people with Halloween costumes at 3 p.m.- 3 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5; 10 people with Halloween costumes at 3 p.m.-3 a.m. on Sunday Nov. 6; eight people at 3 p.m.- 3 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 7; and five people at 3 p.m.- 3 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 9.

Extras will be paid $8.31 per hour, with 12-15 hour days. Contact Jonathan at
