
Rodeo team competes at state

Thursday, June 6, 2013 10:29 PM
Bailee Karo cuts tightly around a barrel during the Colorado State Junior High Rodeo Finals.
cASSIE FINLEY works to secure a goat during the goat tying event at the Colorado State Junior High Rodeo Finals.

Ute Mountain Rodeo Team members, Cassie Finley, Shelby Fullmer and Bailee Karo, completed their rodeo year by competing in the Colorado State Junior High Rodeo Finals in Monte Vista on May 24-25.

In the barrel racing on day one, Bailee Karo completed her first run in a time of 16.883 seconds, which was good enough to place her sixth. On her second run, Karo placed seventh with a time of 16.693 seconds. Karo picked up five points in the average with 33.454 on two runs and ended her rodeo season ranked seventh overall.

Cassie Finley also competed in barrel racing, completing her first run in 17.256 seconds, which was good enough for a tenth place finish. On her second run, Finley placed ninth with a time of 16.839. Finley picked up three points on her average of two runs with a combined time of 34.095 seconds and finished her season in twelfth place.

In addition to Karo and Finley’s performances, Shelby Fullmer also realized success in barrel racing.

Fulmer completed her first run in a time of 23.062 seconds. Fulmer’s second run was even faster as she finished in 17.223 seconds, which was good enough for tenth place.

Fullmer ended her year in 15th place.

In the girls’ goat tying, Cassie Finley placed fourth on the first day with a time of 11.150 seconds and fifth on the second day with a time of 10.420 seconds.

Finley picked up eight points in the average and ended the year’s competition in sixth place.

Shelby Fullmer placed sixth on her first run with a time of 13.40 seconds and seventh on the second day with a time of 11.910 seconds.

Fullmer picked up six points in the average and finished the year in eighth place in the state.

In the pole-bending event, Fullmer placed seventh on the first day with a run of 23.217 seconds.

On her second day, Fullmer finished her run in 28.342 seconds.

Fullmer picked up two points in the average and finished in twelfth place for the year.

Competitors that placed in the top four in each event at the state rodeo finals will have the opportunity to compete in the National Junior High School Rodeo Finals in Gallup, N.M., which takes place June 23-29.

If anyone is interested in joining the team for next year, please call Destri Lockhart at 970-394-0503. For more information about the Colorado State Jr. High Division, log on to

Students in grades six, seven and eight are eligible to join.
