
Summer construction underway on Mancos campus

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 6:00 PM

Summer construction is underway on the Mancos school expansion and remodeling project.

The campus along Grand Avenue will be busy and dusty while it is being prepared for the new school year.

“Everybody’s working,” owner’s rep Monty Guiles said at the Mancos School District RE-6 board meeting Monday.

The entire remodel broke ground at the end of the 2017-18 school year, with an anticipated completion date of spring 2020. Once finished, the project will feature expansions to the historic gym, performing arts center and elementary school, along with a new artificial turf football field. Of the project’s overall $25 million cost, $19.7 million comes from a Building Excellent Schools Today grant, while about $5 million is being supplied by a voter-approved bond measure.

Jaynes Construction Corp. was awarded the construction bid.

Work on the historic Mancos school gym is nearly complete, Guiles said. Interior walls are painted blue and white with the occasional blue jay providing highlights in the remodeled basketball court and the new weight and wrestling rooms.

Historic windows above the basketball court were opened to provide additional lighting, and the lobby includes ticketing and concessions areas. Once the gym is officially finished, construction can begin on the performing arts center.

Turf on the football field should be put in at some point this week, and the field is expected to be turned back over to the district by the end of July.

Work on the elementary school has a way to go before August, Guiles said, particularly because some asbestos was found and needs to be abated.
