
‘Everywhere Fun Fair’ VBS at Cortez Methodist Church

Thursday, July 4, 2013 8:57 PM

Come one, come all to the “Everywhere Fun Fair”!

Youth in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to vacation Bible school at the Cortez First United Methodist Church at 515 North Park Street. The fun begins each morning at 9 and ends at noon, July 8-11.

Everywhere Fun Fair takes children to a global celebration with the look and feel of a world’s fair. Children will make friends with neighbors around the world and discover that God’s love can be found everywhere, including in their own neighborhoods.

Everywhere Fun Fair addresses and represents the whole spectrum of people in the human family, including different age levels, racial and ethnic groups, learning capacities and styles, stages of development, and the variety of abilities and disabilities. Children will be introduced to special places from all over the world and discover that we are all neighbors and all children of God.

At this exciting child-friendly fair, children will experience welcoming neighbors from the Bible and explore the everyday life of neighbors from Japan, Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom, Australia and Mexico. Children will discover that God’s love welcomes everyone, as they learn to love and serve God and be a neighbor to the world.

To register call the church office, at 565-3002 or go to
