
Beautification is a valley-wide project

Tuesday, July 9, 2013 7:32 PM

The beautification group for the town of Mancos had its first meeting on Monday evening, July 1. Approximately 30 people came together to share their ideas and enthusiasm for making the Mancos Valley a more welcoming community to all who live here or come to visit. It was a broad mix of people from wide-ranging interests: the Chamber of Commerce, downtown businesses, artists, and town and county residents. A big "thank you" goes out to Jama and Hardy Collins for hosting the event. There was lots of lively discussion about what needs to be done to make Mancos more welcoming.

While the group of volunteers who attended the meeting lacks a name, it most definitely does not lack a purpose. These folks are determined to add beauty and charm to Mancos through a variety of projects that they decided are high on their priority list:



Bringing attention to Mancos and especially the historic district to help draw in travelers

Tie into old- west theme

Work towards projects that Paul Wilburn drew up for the Town a few years back

Assist Town (Leslie - Parks and Rec coordinator) with projects, maintenance

The Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce Heritage Project initiated by the Chamber of Commerce works on beautification projects such as the Highway 160 landscaping/rockscaping project, installation of murals, signage, etc. The volunteers decided that working together will eliminate duplicating efforts.

The group decided that there are five projects it would like to accomplish throughout the coming year.

1. Installation of seasonal planters in the historic downtown business district using horse troughs set on wheels for easy mobility. Some of the questions to be answered regarding the idea include: Where should they go? Who will water/maintain them? Are there rustic/old ones that could be found or donated?

2. Nicer alternative to the Highway 160 snow fence - perhaps a "living" fence made of low-maintenance flowers/shrubs or a split rail fence. Questions for this idea include: What will CDOT allow us to do? Who will keep the shrubs trimmed and watered?

3. Install wagons around town to carry the western theme and create visual interest, especially at the west end of Highway 160. Questions for this idea are: What will CDOT allow us to do on 160? Where can we get them? Where should they go?

4. Continue or extend landscaping and/or beautification between the new Mesa Street pedestrian bridge up to Grand Avenue. Perhaps a pocket park? Nicer parking area? Fencing?

5. Plant daffodil bulbs this fall under the two "Welcome to Mancos" signs at either end of town for a springtime bloom.

Donations are still being accepted. Thanks so much to those of you who have already donated funds for beautification. If you wish to donate, please make checks payable to Mancos Valley Resources, which is a 501-c-3. They can be sent to the Mancos Valley Resources or given to Betsy Harrison, treasurer. Please, specify on the check that this is for the "Beautification Group" (until there is an official name). Your generosity is much appreciated.

We'll keep you posted regarding the next meeting date and time. For those of you in the community, who might be interested in helping with trail development, contact Town Hall at 533-7725. Mancos Days is July 26-28. Volunteers are needed for an information booth that will be set up to give information about town beautification projects and trail development. If you have questions call Town Hall at 533-7725 or the Chamber of Commerce at 533-7434.

Marianne Griffith is director of the Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce. Contact her at 533-7434.
