
Almost Mancos Days!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 9:50 PM

Cowboy Photo Booth: Once again, the Arts Council will host its Cowboy Photo Booth during Mancos Days. We'll be in Boyle Park right next to the old jail. We've got all the hats, fringed jackets, rifles, saddles and all the western gear to dress you in fine "cowboy" style. We're offering packets of cards with your or your children's photos, "wanted" posters of yourself as usual, but we are offering something new this year. We'll dress you up in our special Old West setting, and you can take your own pictures for a modest fee!

Whether you shoot yourself, or let us do it (and print them for you) we'll be on hand on Saturday, July 27, from right after the parade to around 4 p.m., and on Sunday from 10:30 a.m. till no one else wants their picture took! We always have a good time at the Photo Booth, our friends and neighbors get some great photo cards for holiday use (or whenever), and this year promises to be the same. If you would like to volunteer to help play "dress up" or host the booth, contact Marilyn Kroeker at Raven House Gallery, (970) 533-7149. Hee haw!

Sharing the 81328 perspective: The other fun community event, now in its 11th year, is the community photo project. Twenty brave souls get a disposable camera from our committee (headed up by the fearless Patricia Burk, who has been doing this for all 11 years!) Volunteer photographers have three weeks to shoot and turn in their cameras (without their being developed!) The cameras are taken to our good friends at Walgreen's to print all the shots in a 4 x 6 format. The committee gets together, picks out one shot from each camera for framing in an 8 x 10 format. The 20 selected prints are framed and hung in their exhibit space in the Visitor's Center for a whole year, until next year's exhibit. The theme for shooting this year was "Horsin' Around" - however our photographers care to interpret that. The show opens with a reception the night before Mancos Days, Thursday, July 25, from 6 to 8 p.m. I spend a lot of time in the Visitor's Center working in the gallery, and not only is this show enjoyed by us Mancosites, but many of our out-of-town (and out-of-country) visitors really enjoy this community effort.

Worth the drive: I celebrated my 75th birthday last week, with lots of parties and well wishes. My present to "moi" was going to the opera. It's a real treat. The Santa Fe Opera not only presents world-class opera, but does it in the most spectacular setting in the world. My husband, my niece, my friend, Betsy and I enjoyed Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro" with atmospheric effects from the heavens. It poured rain, blasted thunder roars and hurled down lightning bolts during the performance. On one occasion, the thunder and lightning was so appropriate to the music, the whole audience burst into applause. The stage is open on the sides, and behind the stage, so we saw fabulous opera and amazing weather. I highly recommend this adventure for all you music-lovers out there. The voices were wonderful, the stage setting was magical, and what can you say about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? A stirring experience!

More art than you can shake a stick at: Over at the Cortez Cultural Center, the annual show by the Southwest Artists League is on. It opened on July 8 and will run through July 31. Ten artists from the League are exhibiting in this show. The very capable Anne Beach is now heading up the Cortez Cultural Center and all its very important community activities.

Walking through the art: Lots of our neighboring communities are starting to have their "Art Walks" on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule. Of course, here in Mancos, we have our "Grand Summer Nights" - art galleries, shops, live music, possibly a carriage ride or two, special dinners - all possibilities for a lovely evening in town. Next one is on Friday night, July 26, welcoming everyone to Mancos Days. Other towns hosting summer evening events are "First Thursdays" in Telluride, "First Thursday" in Durango, and Ignacio's "First Fridays." We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty. Even coming out of the supermarket in Cortez, as I drive home eastward, my view is Lookout Point at Mesa Verde, against the backdrop of the La Platas. Pretty breathtaking after wheeling my cart up and down the aisles, checking my shopping list!

All summer long: The next show at the Town Gallery will open on July 12 (Friday) with a reception/community party from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Here's the roster of "horsey" art - Patricia Burk, Patsy Davis, Ginny Getts, Amy Grogan, Marjorie Kay, Kelly Chilcott, Marilyn Kroeker, Susan Matteson, Janice Reich, Bill Srigley, Stacy Dee Sronce, David Lee Sronce, Mary Wilson, Jan Wright and me! The range of mediums is everything from bronze sculpture to beaded saddle blanket to photography and beyond! The show will run all summer til after Labor Day weekend!

Contact Dian and let me know what's happening in the arts community. I'd love to publish info about your event, show, concert, play, whatever! Call me: (970) 533-7536.
