
Out on the streets, under the bus

Monday, Sept. 9, 2013 7:49 PM


Do you know what an incumbent is? He or she is already a Congressman but is up for reelection in the midterm.

Since the president receives no help from the Republicans to pass bills moving this country forward, we can fix that problem by ousting them. Yes, let’s vote them out of Congress to “level the playing field.” Vote Democrat in all boxes. Let’s vote for women candidates who are more interested in our country and the middle class than ideology.

President Obama has enough time left in the White House to save this country and bring about peace throughout the world; let’s give him a chance. The Republicans appear to be bought and paid for by the 10 percent of people who are rich, who are controlling the rest of us. If they win the House and Senate our Social Security and Medicare will disappear and the rest of us will soon be “thrown out in the streets under the bus.”

We outnumber them and can regain our liberty and justice if Democrats win the house and the Senate.

Evelyn Stacer

