
80 Years Ago

Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 9:14 PM

Repeal of Amendment 18 seems assured. Maine, Colorado, Maryland and Minnesota have added their names within the last week to the long list of states favoring repeal. Colorado, voting Tuesday on the proposition, gave a majority of about two to one for repeal, with a moderately light vote cast.


The abolition of speed limits on the rural highways of 22 states has greatly facilitated travel and at the same time has tended to diminish speed traps, according to a statement of Rocky Mountain Motorists, local AAA club.

"Our reports," said the statement, "indicate that most motorists are not abusing the privilege that the absence of speed limits confer on them. By and large, the motorists accept personal responsibility. They guide themselves accordingly, but without constant fear of arrest for speed limit violations or delays and expenses to such arrests."


Saturday afternoon a number of Dolores' future citizens gathered att he home of little Norma Loy Williamson to help her celebrate her second birthday. Each youngster presented Norma Loy with a small gift and the afternoon was spent playing "toys." Of course, the customary refreshments were served and Norma Loy blew out the two candles on the cake, and what more does it take to make a party?


It is said that in some parts of India, a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her. The only difference weith the men of India and the men of this country is that the men of this country think they know their wives before they marry them


This Day Sep. 11-33

To the Public.

I Pledged and promised My Dear old Dady that I would not never take a dring of no licker in my hole life.

To my Friends. Please asist me in my pledge and promis.

Wilford C. Wheatland


Even though the buffalo should some day become extinct, many of its characteristics will probably be preserved indefinitely in the cattalo, a hybrid between the buffalo and domestic cattle that lacks the buffalo's hump. It requires much less in the way of food and shelter than cattle and can be raised successfully much farther north.


Stoner Items:

The Harold Luce family is getting ready to leave for California about Friday. Harold butchered a fat heifer for the I.G.A. store in Dolores Tuesday and has been selling off his stock and household goods. Mr. Rowe got his sheep and a jersey cow.

Everyone has been picking chokecherries lately.


Arriola Items: school started at Arriola Monday with a full attendance. One of the youngsters was asked what he learned the first day and he replied, "that we had to mind."

There are 23 pupils enrolled at the Garrett Ridge high school at present.


German Settlement: Berlins have been picking their fine tomato crop.


Cornelius Brumley, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brumley, met with a painful accident early this week when a trailer on a car dropped on his foot, almost cutting off his toe. The member had to have several stitches in it.


Lloyd N. Chase, manaher of the Montrose Flour Company, was an overnight guest at the Del Rio Wednesday, returning to the Uncompahgre country yesterday. Mr. Chase believes business is on the upgrade and that better times are ahead. He's not the first person to express that opinion recently, and say it like he meant it.
