
‘Pay it forward’ comes to life in a personal way

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013 11:34 PM


In a world where we have become afraid to turn on the news for fear of hearing what horrible disaster has occurred, it can be surreal when someone does something completely selfless.

On Sunday, my girlfriend and I stopped at Beall’s for a sale to look at shoes. I was delighted that I could get a decent pair, which were also buy one, get one free. I picked the nicest ones I could find, for $75 and picked another pair before heading to the counter. I realized I was going to be $15 short, so I asked the cashier to hold them for me while I ran home.

She happily obliged, and we were back within 15 minutes. While waiting in line, the cashier looked at me in excitement and said, “You’re going to be surprised.”

When it was my turn, she ran and grabbed a bag with both pairs of shoes in it, came back and said, “You’re all set.” I tried to hand her a hand full of twenties, when she suddenly put her hand up, “It’s paid for,” she said. “What?” I was stunned. I thought she must be kidding, but she assured me that it was no joke.

Someone had come up right after we left and said they wanted to pay for it, but that they wished to remain anonymous.

My girlfriend and I looked at each other, dumbfounded, and immediately started trying to get clues out of the cashier. We got very little, except that the person had said not to worry about it, “Just pay it forward.” It felt dreamlike. Since when does anyone do that, and why me?

What they did, not only allowed me to get two free pair of shoes, but I was able to buy school clothes with my leftover money. They probably have no idea how big of a deal $80 is to a broke college kid.

I still don’t know who my good Samaritan is, but I can promise them that I will definitely pay it forward. Thanks.

Moses Duran

