
Rees Scholarship Fund awards student

Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 12:50 AM

The Bill and Peg Rees Scholarship Fund resulted from an endowment legacy to provide higher education opportunities for graduates of high schools in Dolores and Montezuma counties.

The fund provides renewable scholarships of about a $1,000 a semester ($2,000 per year) for four years.

Applicants must be graduates of high schools in Dolores or Montezuma counties. Other requirements include:

Clearly communicated educational goals and objectives.

Significant financial need.

Strong academic performance.

Participation in various school activities.

Diverse community involvement.


It is not necessary to be a recent high school graduate. Applicants who have graduated several years ago can apply for a Bill Rees Scholarship if they meet the above criteria.

This year, one recipient was chosen from three finalists. Originally, the committee interviewed 16 applicants.
