
Trailblazers gay-marriage stance is refreshing

Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 12:01 AM

Apparently, the Portland Trailblazers did not subscribe to the notion that sports and politics do not intersect.

Early last week, the basketball franchise went where no other major professional sports team has gone before, issuing a news release voicing support for a ballot initiative that would legalize gay marriage in the state of Oregon.

Good for them. All too often, professional sports teams are reluctant to voice political opinions. Apparently, their thought is that sports and politics should remain separate. No point in creating discourse on the ball field, right?


When it comes to issues such as gay marriage, sports franchises should take a stand. They owe it to the estimated 9 million Americans who identify as gay, lesbian, transsexual or bisexual. In fact, they owe it to all fans, regardless of those fans’ sexual preference.

What this comes down to is providing individuals with an opportunity to make educated decisions. Personally, I would never show up watch a franchise play if that franchise openly opposed gay marriage.

On the flip side, perhaps gay marriage rubs some fans wrong way. Maybe those fans will not be travelling to see the Portland Trailblazers anytime soon and ultimately, that is their choice.

Again though, I would much rather know where my favorite teams stand on an issue as opposed to remaining in the dark in regards to their political opinions.

And just for the record, last week the Portland Trailblazers recently climbed my list of favorite professional sports teams.
