
Times are a-changin'

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013 10:27 PM

We set our clocks back last weekend, and we have seen our first snow in town. It feels as if winter is here. I agree with Pete from the P&D Grocery when he said, "We were all caught with our nickers down on this one." However, I woke up today and discovered a beautiful fall morning. Ahh, life in the Rockies is a continuous adventure.

The Chamber of Commerce has gone back in time, too. At its annual planning retreat, the Chamber board of directors decided to go back to its tagline, "Where the west still lives." With the help of Geeks on Grand, we have been able to locate some of those license plate frames that say "Where the west still lives." If you've been looking for one, stop by the Visitor Center at 101 E. Bauer Ave. and pick one up. We hope to order bumper stickers soon.

The Visitor Center has been preparing for the holidays, with a new inventory of books, maps, fun stuff for the kids and stocking stuffers. The Louis L'Amour library has been replenished after being decimated by teenage boys bought three and four copies of his books in one shopping spree. Did you know that Louis L'Amour created the character Hopalong Cassidy? We now have some of those old favorites. Here is some good news: Our book sales were up by 22 percent. I will be calling folks to get my annual pulse on how summer went for our businesses. After Thanksgiving, the bookstore will be running its annual sale of 20 percent off in the gift shop.

For those who receive the Chamber of Commerce newsletter, be aware that the newsletter will be published on Wednesday of Thanksgiving week. If you have a business that plans to be open on Thanksgiving, please call or send an email to the Chamber about your hours and your menu: (970) 533-7434 or There will be no newsletter the week of Nov. 11.
