I am quite concerned about the national debt, which is more than $16 trillion according to the U.S. National Debt Clock. I certainly agree with our congressmen and senators that something needs to be done. When we look at what has put us into such debt we find that it is our two unfunded wars. When Clinton left office we actually had a surplus, but due to conducting two wars with no dedicated funding we have found ourselves — every man, woman, and child — owing more than $52,000 each. I believe it is unconscionable to leave this debt to our children, grandchildren, or their children. Therefore I have a suggestion to remedy, or at least help the problem. I propose a war tax. Anyone over the age of 18 should have a specific listed tax, just like Social Security or Medicare, with no exceptions, taken out of a paycheck or whatever source of income. We might accomplish numerous things with this tax: paying down the debt, rethinking our next war, funding national health care for all, keeping our safety net for all in need.
Sherry Lombard, Cortez