
Thank you for the thoughts

Friday, Nov. 15, 2013 12:45 AM

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the following after the loss of our mother/grand mother/great grandmother:

Bill and Moeita Bauer, Jo Cohoe, Cortez Cultural Center, BJ Frost and Fern Lang, Jason and Jessica Hernandez & family, Steve and Kim Franchini, Jamie Bade at Goodnight Trail Gallery, Barbara Millard, Residents and Staff at Madison House, Don and Judy Morris, Lorraine Neskahi, Notah Dineh Trading Co. My Co-Workers at S.W.C., Julie Roe, Carole Seibel, Southwest Contracting LLC., Stuart A. Stroud and Dick and Marie Swanner. Georgia Ann Cohoe, May 10, 1924 - Oct. 29, 2013.

Forever, Grateful,

Jerry and Etta Cohoe, Jaime Cohoe, and Tara, Anthony, Presley, and Miles Frost
