
We are better than the Antique Corral

Monday, Jan. 27, 2020 1:11 PM

This is the time that we need to step up and call racism out for what it is.

We need to put our labels of each other to the side and come together as a community and say: Not in our town.

Some may be unaware of the recent events regarding the local business Antique Corral. Instead of taking this opportunity to learn and grow as a business owner, she has adamantly defended her decisions to sell racist memorabilia in her store.

When things of this regard are brought to light, we as a community have choices. And this goes beyond supporting a friend or local business. This is about the bigger picture for our community and what we want.

Do we want to be a community that welcomes everyone or do we want to stand by a businesswoman who has blindly defended her choices and the harm her choices are causing?

For the people of color in this community and beyond, I am sorry. I am sorry that our predominantly white community struggles to hear your concerns. I am sorry that some in our community used humor, the Constitution and their money to support these actions.

As a predominantly white community, we can and must do better. We must be louder than those few who went in and bought those signs; so we can say to the country as a whole, we are better than this.

Molly CooperDolores
