
Women ready for Fitness Weekend

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 4:32 AM
Heather Barritt, left, and Cassandra Robertson.

Even under the bright lights that shine in Las Vegas, local fitness competitors Heather Barritt and Cassandra Robertson will stand out. They are in that good of shape.

For roughly eight weeks, the two women have been working tirelessly to prepare for the Fitness Weekend Muscle Mania Show in Las Vegas, a two-day event in Las Vegas that will feature some of the top fitness competitors in the country.

“This is my first Muscle Mania Show,” said Barritt of the Nov. 22-23 competition. “I’m very excited.”

To prepare for the competition, Barritt and Robertson have been training twice a day at Body by Design for roughly eight weeks. The results certainly show.

“Training wise, we do fast cardio for 30 to 45 minutes each morning where we come in with nothing on our tummy,” explained Barritt. “We come back later in the day and do our weightlifting.”

In addition to the intense workout regiment, Barritt and Robertson have been sticking to a strict diet that is designed to build and tone muscles.

“Diet-wise, it is mad-craziness,” explained Barritt. “We pretty much live on chicken, white fish, broccoli, brussel sprouts and asparagus.”

Discussing what motived her to compete in the Fitness Weekend show, Barritt explained that her past experiences at fitness shows, as well as her drive to compete, made attending the show a forgone conclusion.

“I’ve competed before in the International Natural Bodybuilding Association,” Barritt said. “I came back with awesome drive and felt like I wanted to help other girls compete.”

That is where Robertson came in, a newcomer to fitness competitions who was impressed by Barritt’s post-competition physique.

“I saw Heather come back from competition and I was like, ‘oh my gosh,” said Robertson. “Everyone in my family has been involved with fitness, so I was like, I’ll give it a try.”

Asked about her expectations entering the show, Robertson emphasized that she wants to have fun.

“I’m just going to see what it’s all about and get the feel of it,” Robertson said.

Given the work that both Barritt and Robertson have put in to developing their physiques, the Fitness Weekend show will no doubt prove to be a rewarding experience.
