
Val Truelsen

Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:30 PM

Why are you running for town board?To provide continuity.

What experience do you bring to the table?I have 20 years of experience as a board member and mayor.What is your occupation?I own and operate the Ponderosa Restaurant, and a sawmill.

What do you hope to accomplish as a town board member?Implement current plans for updating town infrastructure.

What has Dolores town government done well in recent years?We replaced all water and sewer lines, we built a new town maintenance shop, installed sidewalks, and removed all lead connections in water taps.

In what ways do you think town government could improve Dolores?Our infrastructure is in good shape. Good maintenance will extend the life of our infrastructure allowing resources to be available for other improvements.

Do you have a vision for the future of Dolores?Encourage more businesses.
