
Journal wins 30 awards in state contests

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014 12:13 AM

DENVER – The Cortez Journal won more than 30 awards in Colorado’s two major newspaper contests Friday in Denver.

Photographer Sam Green won a dozen awards for his pictures and two more awards for page design.

The Journal’s news and advertising staff also took home several honors for the daily content of the paper’s website.

“Our readers and advertisers deserve thanks for using and relying on the Durango Herald and Cortez Journal in the way they do,” said Richard Ballantine, chairman of the board of Ballantine Communications Inc., which publishes the two papers. “It takes a full staff from all departments to do the work we do.”

Awards in the Colorado Associated Press Editors and Reporters contest and the Colorado Press Association contest were handed out Friday night at the Westin Hotel in downtown Denver. Journalists from Arkansas and Virginia judged the contests.

Reporter Jim Mimiaga won a pair of awards for “Fire on the mountain,” a story about smoldering coal fires that were ignited by the Weber Fire. Tobie Baker also took home two awards for his story about Navajo code talkers, “Up to this minute, never broken.”

Trent Stephens, managing editor for The Cortez Journal, said, “The awards reflect the staff’s dedication to our readers.”

“We expect to improve that relationship in the next year in print, online and in social media. Our recent Facebook coverage of the Main Street fire and the state wrestling tournament is a positive step.”

The Journal’s awards:

CAPER awards

General news photo: First place, Sam Green, “Chilly training”

Spot news photo: First place, Sam Green, “Forest fire.” Third place, Sam Green, “Mule rescue”

Environmental story: Second place, Jim Mimiaga, “Fire on the Mountain”

Feature story: Second place, Tobie Baker, “Up to this minute, never broken”

Online general excellence: Second place, Journal staff

Online breaking news: Third place, Journal staff

Colorado Press Association awards

Website-Daily-Advertising: First place, Journal advertising staff

Website-Daily-Community: First place, Journal staff

Website-Daily-Interactivity: First place, Journal staff

Website-Daily-Content: First place, Journal staff

Website-Daily-Design: First place, Journal staff

Website-Daily-Multimedia: Second place, Journal staff

Best Photo Essay: First place, Sam Green, “Cold practice.” Third place, Sam Green, “Salmon Snag”

Best Feature Photograph: First place, Sam Green, “Pig pounce.” Third place, Sam Green, “What a shot!”

Best Sports Photograph: First place, Sam Green, “Ranch Rodeo.” Third place, Sam Green, “What a game”

Best News Photograph: First place, Sam Green, “A muddy mule rescue.” Second place, Sam Green, “Mancos manhunt nabs suspect”

Best Photography Portfolio : First place, Sam Green

Best Agriculture Story: First place, Jim Mimiaga, “Iconic brewer taps into local farms”

Best Environmental Story: First place, Jim Mimiaga, “Fire on the Mountain”

Best News Story: Second place, Tobie Baker, “Up to this minute, never broken”

Best Sports Column Writing: Second place, Ian MacLaren, “Side-piece or sideways/The Tebow conundrum”

Best Sports Event Story: Third place, Ian MacLaren, “A smashing good time”

Best Classified Page or Section: Second place: Journal staff

Best Advertising Layout & Design: Second place, Journal staff, Aug. 6, 2013

Best News Page Design: Second place, Sam Green, “Rescue Operation”

Best Feature Page Design: Third place, Sam Green, “Core Values”
