
Meet the Town Board candidates

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 9:11 PM

The race for four seats on the Town Board might be quite competitive this cycle with nine people on the ballot.

Two incumbents, Rovilla Ellis and Alan Rolston, face seven challengers.

Mayor Pro Tem Perry Lewis is unable to run again because of term limits, and Trustee Chip Tuthill opted not to run.

Voters will also decide if they would like to give the board the option of taxing recreational marijuana up to $10 per sale.

The April 1 election will be a mail-in ballot election. However, ballots may dropped off at Town Hall for about a week before and on Election Day. Residents may also register to vote prior to and on Election Day.

The town is holding a formal panel for residents to ask candidates questions on March 18 from 6-8 p.m. at the community center.

Alan Rolston

The Candidates

Occupation: Retired

Bio/reason for running: I am running for a Board of Trustees seat because I want to apply my experience and knowledge to find solutions for problems that may confront the Town of Mancos.

I was raised on a starve-to-death, small irrigated farm and cattle ranch in eastern Montana, I have operated water and wastewater treatment systems and spent time managing municipal operations as a Public Works Director, I have prepared municipal and business budgets without benefit of computers, I owned a feed and seed business for 18 years and lifted enough 50 pound bags of feed to build a small pyramid. I kept a small bank profitable during those 18 years, I learned to watch my expenses, to be resourceful, to figure out common sense solutions to solve problems, to work with all types of people and to listen to them and their ideas.

I am living proof of the old saying, "You get wiser with age." I've made a pile of mistakes and have gained a pile of wisdom. Now, I want to sprinkle some of that pile on Mancos!

Rovilla Ellis

Occupation: Retired

Bio/reason for running: I graduated from Mancos High in 1954, and Mancos has largely been my home since then. Along with my husband, we raised four children, all of whom graduated from Mancos High.

I have been on the Mancos Board of Trustees since April 2010 and have gained valuable knowledge and understanding of how the town of Mancos operates and how it could function better.

I retired as executive director of the Mesa Verde Museum Association and found that experience to be beneficial as I sat as a trustee on the Mancos Town Board.

Anthony "James" Maestas

Occupation: Concrete foreman

Bio/reason for running: I was born and raised in Cortez. I have lived in Mancos since 2009. Being new to the political scene, I think being a candidate means looking out for the interests of the people of Mancos. Being on the board would help me become a bigger part of my community. I am a people person. I love meeting new people and talking and getting to know them. I am looking forward to working with the Town Board and the people of the community of nice town of Mancos.

Michele Black

Occupation: Work for the Medicine Horse Center

Bio/reason for running: I spent 12 years on Mancos Town Board, serving as a trustee and as mayor. I am excited by some of the projects and plans that are coming up in town, new water storage tank, trails master plan, etc. I also found that I miss the people at Town Hall. We are fortunate to have such a terrific staff! I have been away for a couple of years now and have had some time to get re-energized. So I'll throw my hat into the ring and see what happens.

Madeline Williams

Occupation: Retired

Bio/REason for Running: First, I saw early drafts of Ordinances 678 and 679, restricting the use and storage of RVs and trailers, on and off our properties. That riled me enough to do some research.

After chatting with the folks at Town Hall, and schmoozing with folks "on the street," I saw evidence of one reason why we residents do so much grumbling about how our Town Board takes care of business. The reason is too infrequent and unclear communication between Town Hall and the residents.

And that happens to be my specialty, my only distinguishable talent in life; it's the foundation of the three careers I've had: high school math teacher, technical writer in software development and communication consultant for nonprofits. Each of them relies on an ability to research complicated topics, then clearly explain them to others.

That's my goal as trustee, to help bridge the communication gap between Town Hall and the residents of town, to alleviate the "us against them" attitude that I feel around town.

Timothy Stubbs

Occupation: Mesa Verde Park Ranger

Bio/reason for running: I have been a resident of Mancos for 10 years, but I was drawn to the town upon first seeing it a decade earlier. I have worked in outdoor and experiential education for much of my adult life, most recently as a park ranger at Mesa Verde National Park. The diversity of the residents of the Mancos Valley attracted me, and the tolerance of a caring community convinced me to stay. My experience in education has taught me patience, and work serving the public has shown me the need for objectivity when dealing with differing opinions and complex situations. While the Mancos Valley is deeply rooted in history and draws inspiration from the past, I believe we can use these principles to guide us towards sustainable growth to the town and attracting new businesses that are in keeping with the unique, rural and western character.

Regina Roberts

Occupation: Book Keeper

Bio/reason for running: I grew up as a military dependant moving around the country. I am a wife and mother. I am also a member of Montezuma County VFW POST 5231 Ladies Auxilary. I have been a Girl Scout leader and I have volunteered with Mancos Dans, Mancos Balloon Festival, and Mancos Opera House Architectural Restoration and Preservation Society Mardi Gras.

William Stone

Occupation: Construction and wainwright

Bio/REason for Running: I have been on the town board before and I was really lucky to be on there with some really unselfish people. It was quite a few years ago things were a lot simpler then, but they didn't have to be. We didn't sit behind a counter, we sat at a table. I would like to return to that. As a trustee you were privileged to work for the town's people, I think sometimes that gets forgotten that you work for the town maintenance all the way through to clerks. Especially the trustees, they work the majority of the people that are in town limits. I think if we don't forget that we're going to returning to that this is a great place.

I have seen this place heaven on earth, it is such a fun place. If everybody works together quits squabbling I think we'll get along fine. It's wonderful that nine people care enough to run for four seats that gives Mancos - I mean it may be the lesser of two evils, but it at least it gives them a choice.

Matthew Baskin

Occupation: Independent living coordinator Southwest Center for Independence, self- employed carpenter and graduate student majoring in public policy at the University of Colorado Denver

Bio/Reason for running: Matthew has served as a state lobbyist and grass-roots political organizer. Having been asked, on numerous occasions, to seek elected office in the Town of Mancos, he finds public service to be a matter of ethical inclination. He has a strong passion for public policy, considers earning the consent of those governed to be of paramount importance, and is a firm proponent of policies that support the sustenance of small communities in changing times, while preserving that which makes them dear - their sense of place - their traditions - their local businesses - and, solvent community relations
