
Resolution backs increased school funding

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:54 PM

The Montezuma Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Monday urging the state to restore funding to schools across the state.

Mancos resident Jim Law brought the resolution before the board and asked them to send a message to the state that recent budget that started in the 2009-10 school year are unacceptable.

Law was motivated to get involved in the fight for greater school funding after Mancos approved a special tax measure to fund the schools last year. While the state gained more local funding, the state took back $67,000 this year, setting the district back again.

"We're putting money in the top of the barrel and they are taking money out the bottom," he said.

The economic forecast for the state budget was expected to be released Tuesday, said Mancos School Superintendent Brian Hanson.

Following the forecast major budget decisions about school finance are expected, said Kathy Gebhardt the lawyer for the Rural School Caucus who is working to put pressure on state legislators to increase funding.
