
Cortez physical therapist Harris to participate in focus group

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 9:34 PM

Physical therapist Jodi Harris, PT, CSW, WCC, has been selected to participate in an American Physical Therapy Association focus group on health disparities and underserved populations, according to Southwest Health System.

The focus group hopes to determine how cultural competence can affect a therapist’s ability to impact the health and wellbeing of this population. Two specific health issues — obesity and diabete – and their resulting conditions have been chosen to explore physical therapy interventions.

“Providing culturally competent care is an integral part of the APTA Vision and cultural competence knowledge and skills are also a part of best physical therapist practice,” said Johnette L. Meadows, of the APTA. “We hope to build a cadre of experts and champions that can bring the issues of cultural competence and health disparities to the forefront of professional issues. We also hope to have the information we gather at these meetings inform APTA about what should be provided as resources on these issues.”

Harris is board-certified in wound care as a certified wound specialist through the American Academy of Wound Management, and Wound Care Certified through the National Alliance for Wound Care. She currently serves as the Director of Rehabilitation and wound care specialist at Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez. She graduated from Indiana University and has over 35 years of experience as a Physical Therapist. She has extensive experience in home health, long-term care, inpatient and outpatient care. She recently won the Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management Award of Excellence.

Southwest Health System owns and operates Southwest Medical Group which is composed of 10 clinics in Montezuma County as well as Southwest Memorial Hospital. Southwest Health System employs over 450 people. SHS is a private, not-for-profit corporation operating under all guidelines and regulations for non-profits and is also governed by a volunteer board. For more information, visit
