
Cortez Fire Protection District Questionnaire: Lindsay

Friday, April 18, 2014 12:03 AM

Name: James Kent Lindsay

Age: 60

Telephone: 970-565-6142


Website: Not listed

1. List three action items you’d introduce to guarantee the people’s right to know?

The District meetings are open to the public. I can only think of two things that would make them even more open. 1. Place unapproved minutes on the website. 2. Move our meeting place to a more accessible location. The upstairs at the firehouse is not adequate to some folks.

2. If elected, what would be your top priorities?

To maintain budget oversight, create better communication within the Board, Keep the safety and well being of the firefighters a top priority.

3. In examining the district’s total budget, which line items would you support for greater funding and which line items would you recommend be cut? Why?

The District already has a budget review committee and being part of that the last two years I see very few cuts to be made. The committee goes through the budget proposed by the Chief and staff and reviews each item and asks is item are necessary or not, then keeps or deletes the item. This has really helped to tighten our budget. With that said, there is always room for improvement. The two items I would like to see funded are, an increase in wages for our firefighters, and a line item created for recruiting and retaining volunteers.

4. Is working and partnering with outside agencies important? Why or why not?

Working and partnering with outside agencies is extremely important. Without the help of other fire districts in our county we could not handle the large structure and wildland fires. Without the help of law enforcement to direct traffic and secure hostile scenes our folks would be exposed to greater risks than they already are. These other agencies also include Dispatch who help us get to where we need to be, search and rescue, county mapping, county road department, federal and state agencies, City of Cortez, and host of others that we rely on.

5. List the district’s top three needs, and what steps would you take to address those concerns?

The needs and wants of the department are usually brought to the District Board for approval by the Chief and his staff. Personally I would like to see a greater number of volunteers added. Also, better leadership and involvement from the board. The board needs knowledge and experience, not only in budgets , but in experience in what it takes to fight fire and deliver E.M.S. truck and equipment bids and especially oversight of Staff.

6. List your expertise and/or qualifications that set you apart from other candidates.

I am a retired Volunteer, Chief, EMS Captain, Purchasing Lieutenant, and Safety Lieutenant. I am a past County Commissioner, Exalted ruler of the local Elks Lodge. I am currently secretary, treasurer of the Cortez Fire Protection District serve on the board of Empire Electric. My wife and I have owned the El Grande café since 1980.
