
Ute Mountain election is Friday

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020 4:41 PM
Ute Mountain election officials Annabelle Talk and Simone Ketchum announce votes while a security official looks on during the 2019 tribal council election.

The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe will hold an election on Oct. 9 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Community Center in Towaoc.

Tribal members will choose a candidate for one open tribal council seat.

Candidates are incumbent Lyndreth H. Wall, DeAnne House, Prisllena L. Nightstarr, Marissa K. Box and Shelley Lopez.

Wall was elected in a special election in January to serve the remaining term of House, who gave up her seat to run for tribal council in October 2019. She lost to Manuel Heart.

A valid Colorado ID or Tribal ID must be presented in order to vote.

Only Ute Mountain Election Board members, security and media will be allowed in the Community Center during the counting of ballots.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, dozens of tribal members attended the count. Each ballot was read aloud and verified by three election officials, then tallied on a board. Ballots were also shown on a screen, and the whole process was recorded on video.

As a precaution against COVID-19, there will be temperature checks upon entrance of the Community Center, masks are required as well as social distancing of 6 feet.

Approximately 640 Ute Mountain tribal members are registered voters, according to Ute Mountain election officials.

The Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Council includes Chairman Heart, Selwyn Whiteskunk, Alston Turtle, Archie House Jr., Darwin Whiteman Jr., Malcom Lehi representing White Mesa, and Wall.
