
This is why it’s good to be living in Cortez

Monday, Oct. 5, 2020 2:42 PM

Do the lives of Black people matter? Yes. Is it important to get that message out? Yes. Growing up in a Southern state, I saw the heart-breaking effects of segregation. Since I remember this, I support the basic message of Black Lives Matter. But it has been diminished among the lawless mobs who terrify and destroy while carrying around the slogan.

Should looting and burning be called “peaceful protests”? Many citizens are troubled at such dishonesty by the media. Why have some of our politicians been so slow and reluctant to publicly admit that violence is not legitimate protest?

In Cortez, we have a Saturday marching crowd who emphasize justice and Black Lives Matter. We also have a Saturday flag-waving crowd who emphasize patriotism and gratitude for our country. Neither is burning buildings or shooting people. It’s a privilege to live where both crowds promote their points of view without diminishing their messages.

Shelby SmithCortez
