
Mancos marshal replaces drone for teen who warned about errant flight

Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 5:52 PM

The Mancos Marshal’s Office and the Mancos Board of Trustees recognized a young resident for doing the right thing at their meeting Wednesday evening.

Dylan Steerman, 13, was flying his drone at his grandmother’s house and lost sight of it as it was flying.

Dylan called the Marshal’s Office, concerned that he had caused a wreck or damaged something, said Marshal Justen Goodall.

“This is the type of behavior we want to award,” Goodall said.

The marshal commended Dylan for his truthfulness and “willingness to put himself out there.”

The Board of Trustees and Goodall presented Dylan with a new drone at the meeting for doing the right thing and notifying local law enforcement.

“I’m very proud of him,” said LeRoy Tafoya, Dylan’s father.

Robin Bays, Dylan’s grandmother, said it was Dylan’s idea to contact the Marshal’s Office.

“That didn’t even cross my mind,” she said.

The drone has not been found.
