
County Clerk and Recorder Questionnaire: Percell

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 3:19 AM

Name: Kim Percell

Age: 54

Telephone: 565-8731


Website: Not listed

1. List three action items you’d introduce to guarantee the people’s right to know?

I believe in an open door policy and I would be available for any questions, concerns or complaints. The Clerk and Recorders office currently guarantees the people’s right to know. Within the Colorado Revised Statutes C.R.S. 24-702-201 and Under the Colorado Open Records Act it states: “It is declared to be the public policy of this state that all public records shall be open for inspection by any person at reasonable times, except as provided in this part 2 or otherwise specifically provided by law.” The law is clear and no additional actions are required. I will process all local CORA requests as required by law and forward all State requests to the Secretary of State’s office.

2. If elected, what would be your top priorities as clerk & recorder?

My top priority as the Clerk and Recorder is to serve the citizens of Montezuma County with all transactions concerning motor vehicle titles and registrations, conducting elections and taking care of their vital records and recordings in a respectful and efficient manner. Other priorities would include the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, the Board of Equalization and Liquor Licenses in the County.

3. List the office’s top three needs, and what steps would you take to address those concerns?

The state regulations and requirements in all three departments change frequently so one of our needs will be to keep all departments updated and trained on new regulations. Our opportunities for training are limited and usually require traveling and overnight stays. I hope to utilize all opportunities of training made available to us and to use that training to educate all departments. The Clerk and Recorders Office procedures are mandated by the State. Certain transactions require specific documents. Another concern of mine is that it is hard for the citizens to know what these requirements are and frustrating for them to not be able to complete their transaction on their first visit to our office. I hope to use the resources of the State and County web sites to educate the citizens of the requirements and procedures for basic transactions. I also hope to notify the citizens of changes to procedures that will affect them through the local newspaper. The Clerk and Recorders Office is a busy office. The motor vehicle department had over 50,000 transactions last year. The Vital Statistic department issued 840 Birth Certificates, 1794 Death certificates, 186 Marriage licenses, 8 Civil Unions and recorded 4097 Documents. We have over 18,000 registered voters in Montezuma County. Maintaining coverage within the departments has been an issue. I think cross training within departments would help alleviate long lines during especially busy days. It is my opinion that administrative duties and communication with employees should be done with respect from both parties, and that office rules should be consistent and enforced.

4. What are your thoughts on transitioning from the traditional polling place to a mail-in ballot system?

48% of the active Montezuma County registered voters have requested that their ballots be permanently sent to them by mail. As of last year ALL elections will be conducted by mail. While some voters will be comfortable with this change others have shown concerns. The new required Vote Polling Service Centers should help ease some of those concerns as voters will have access to them for several days prior to and on Election Day. I hope by following all state requirements and guidelines the county will have a larger turnout of participation with the mail ballot plan.

5. List your expertise and/or qualifications that set you apart from other candidates.

I started working in the County Clerk’s office with the Motor Vehicle Department in 2005 and have been the back up for the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners since then. I became interested in the election process and transferred to that department, earning my election certificate in 2009. I am the current Designated Election Official. I was appointed to the chief deputy position in 2011. I have experience in the bookkeeping, recording and motor vehicle departments as well.
