
Dolores 80 years ago

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 9:20 PM

The high school baccalaureate service, held at Memorial hall last Sunday evening, drew out a large crowd and a splendid program was rendered.

The regular high school commencement exercises were held last evening at Memorial hall when 18 graduates received their diplomas. Dr. Arnold D. Joyal , of the University of Denver faculty, gave the principal address. Dr. Joyal also made the commencement address at Mancos.

A meeting of representatives of highway 87 association is to be held at Cortez this week Saturday afternoon, at the gymnasium, the meeting to be called at 1:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to secure the establishment of a federal highway from the Canadian border to Mexico, through Cortez. It is intimated that representatives from along the route will be present and possibly Governor Johnson. A sizeable representation of Dolores people are expected to attend. On Sunday the delegates will be entertained at Mesa Verde Park, and all who attend from here are requested to take a basket lunch.

Forest Supervisor A. F. Hoffman was a caller at this office Tuesday and asked this paper to call attention to the extreme danger of forest fires which exists throughout this territory. All persons who have occasion to visit the region on or near the forest reserve are cautioned to be extremely careful about the use of matches, camp fires and smoking paraphernalia. Several fires have been reported in some parts of the country and Mr. Hoffman is right in asking the cooperation of local people in preventing anything of the sort on the Montezuma National Forest or other timbered areas.

F. J. Tackett, of Lockerby, Utah, received the prize awarded by Stroud's Cash Store for bringing eggs the greatest distance, a 2-lb can of coffee. Joe Osterfeld was warded for bringing in the largest eggs, weighing 29 ounces to the dozen, 24 bars of candy. T. J. McManus brought in the largest number, receiving a 48-lb. sack of flour. The contest was held by Stroud's in connection with its annual anniversary sale, which closed recently.

Two chamber of commerce meetings will be held in Dolores next week, if the regular schedule is carried out. On Monday night the county chamber of commerce will meet at the Del Rio cafe with dinner served the members and visitors. Tuesday night the Dolores chamber of commerce will meet at the town hall. Several local matters of importance will be brought up at this meeting, including the establishment of a local ERA for this vicinity.

Wood and Morgan this week moved a large part of their equipment to the section of road below Rico which is to be gravelled this summer. The job calls for gravel surfacing about ten miles of the completed highway, just to make sure that no one slides off into the river.

T. H. Akin returned from Pueblo Tuesday driving a new De Soto air-flow sedan. This car is the latest thing in modern auto body design and is believed by many to be the forerunner of what all cars will look like in a couple of years.
