
Runners turn out for Mancos races

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 7:22 PM

By Mac Neely

What a great turnout for the Mancos Library Marathon – 136 runners!

For the half marathon, Curtis Moore, of Flagstaff, came in first place at 1:58, and Keri Nelson finished first among women. The 5K run was won by James Wilson, followed by Emma Most. The Fun Run, with more than 50 kids (all about 2 feet tall) and parents pushing babies in buggies rushed around the football field and up the Riverwalk to the library. I came in last place, walking the ½ mile with a couple of friends, but then I’m a little older.

It was lots of fun. There were many helpers and contributors that made it a fun and successful day for all of us, and especially the library – Osprey, Browns Shoes, the Mancos Brewery, DJ Cannonball, the Millwood restaurant, to name a few.

Thanks again

A hot and grand summer nightFriday was Grand Summer Nights in Mancos with outdoor demonstrations by local artists. Chris Hutton from Artisans of Mancos drew some folks who wondered why “plein air was the new golf.” It seems that as one gets older, painting is easier than golf. Not all agreed. What do you think?

The painting looks easy for Chris. You can find him at the Mancos Ranch, when he’s not at the Artisans. Nancy Hains spins easily and quickly with her own raised wool – she did a whole batch of it while we looked on in wonder. Hand-and-foot coordination is necessary, and not as easy as she makes it appear. Outside the Absolute Bakery, Cathy Votan showed off her welding projects. She’s been welding since age 16, and had some beautiful huge flowers and containers on display. At the Raven House Gallery, Dee McAlerny was cutting some of her delicate images with tiny very sharp scissors. While I was looking at them, Dee picked up a tiny Exacto knife, not more than a quarter of an inch – so very cool!

Mary and Rob Wilson have lots of their gourds at Raven House. One I especially like is quite large. When you pull a long string from inside, it sounds like an approaching storm with thunder and lightening roaring at you – my favorite.

Lynn Lewis and Abe Saunders supplied music outside the VFW hall. At a request, Abe sang a beautiful song in Spanish, and received applause, and a big thank-you from the audience. The VFW hall was open and serving. Hot dogs went quickly, as did root beer floats and ice cream cones. I was told that they plan to do this on each Grand Summers Night. It will be good to have dinner along with all the goodies offered by each business.

‘A New Beginning’ from Goodnight

This weekend, the sculpture titled “A New Beginning” by our own Veryl Goodnight, and gracing the entry of Goodnight Trail, has been sent, along with 27 other sculptures and paintings by Goodnight, to The Cowboy Hall of Fame, in Fort Lewis, Texas.

They will be on display from July 22 to Oct. 27. This is a retrospective collaboration, honoring Goodnight’s work from 1980 to 2016.

Flea market opens SaturdayThe Lions Club is sponsoring a flea market in Boyle Park on Saturday, July 2 to raise money for restoration and painting of the stage in the park. Please come out and support this worthy cause.

Independence 5K is SaturdayIndependence run, a 5K run for fireworks is Saturday, July 2, with a check-in at 7-7:45 a.m. and a race start at 8 a.m. Register at the Mancos Community Center, but pick up registration forms at the bank. Cost is $15, and an after-party is at the Mancos Brewery. Call Kaylee Rose for more info at 970-799-3036. Proceeds benefit the Mancos fireworks show.
